To supervise community development activities in LGA.
The Division will perform the following functions: -
To analyze, interpret and supervise implementation of policies, laws and procedures related to community development;
To facilitate communities to initiate, plan, implement and evaluate their own programs and projects;
To prepare short and long term plans and projects in community development at LGA level;
To conduct research and recommend on how to deal with various problems of development that uphold community development in collaboration with the Ministry responsible with community development and other stakeholders;
To regulate and supervise operations of Microfinance services providers tier four under directives of Bank of Tanzania (BOT);
To coordinate and manage economic development activities for women, children and persons with disabilities;
To coordinate provision of training on poverty alleviation, AIDS, drugs and gender equality;
To coordinate and monitor NGOs and CBOs activities in community development; and
To coordinate and manage community development activities in LGA.
This Division will be led by a Head and will comprise of two (2) Sections as follows:-
Cross-cutting Issues Coordination Section; and
NGOs and CBOs Coordination Section.
Cross-cutting Issues Coordination Section
The Section will perform the following activities:-
Analyze, interpret and supervise implementation of policies, laws and procedures related to community development;
Supervise the implementation of plans and projects for Community Development;
Prepare short and long term plans and projects for Community Development;
Conduct research and recommend on dealing with various development problems;
Coordinate and manage the development of women and children; and persons with disabilities;
Coordinate and provide training methods, help liberate society from poverty, AIDS, drugs and advocating gender equality;
Promote community participation and volunteerism in development project/program;
Coordinate and participate on awareness creation concerning community participation in community development;
Coordinate and participate on community sensitization concerning participation on planning, decision making, implementation and evaluation of multispectral projects; and
Undertake research on community development issues which hinder factors on community development.
This Section will be led by Officer in Charge.
NGOs and CBOs Coordination Section
The Section will perform the following activities:-
Coordinate registration of NGOs and CBOs and monitor their activities in social development;
Coordinate provision of citizenship education in the community;
Establish and maintain partnerships with organizations, institutions inside and outside the Country dealing with the promotion of community development activities through the Ministry responsible for community development;
Coordinate and manage all projects related to social community development;
Manage implementation of all agreements relating to community development;
Prepare regular reports on Community Development; and
Regulate and supervise operations of Microfinance services providers’ tier four (4) under directives of BOT.
This Section will be led by Officer in Charge.
Divisheni ya Maendeleo ya Jamii inaratibu shughuli ya utoaji wa mikopo kutoka Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Wanawake, Vijana na Watu wenye Ulemavu kwa kufanya uhamasishaji wa uundaji wa Vikundi usajili pamoja na utoaji wa mikopo wa 10% inayotengwa kutoka kwenye Mapato ya ndani Pamoja na fedha za marejesho ambazo zinatipakana na Vikundi ambavyo vilikopeshwa awali.
Katika kipindi cha mwaka2022/2023 Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Songea ilitenga kiasi cha Tsh 181,771,980 kwa ajiri ya utoaji wa mikopo kwa Vikundi vya Wanawake, Vijana na Watu wenye ulemavu.
Halmashauri imefanikiwa kutoa Mikopo jumla ya Tsh 159,233,630.22 kwa Vikundi 10 kwa kuzuzingatia mgawanyo wa asilimia wa 4:4:2 ambapo kwa kiasi cha Tsh. 66,241,815.11 kimekopeshwa kwa vikundi vya Wanawake ,Tsh. 66,241,815.11 kimekopeshwa kwa vikundi vya Vijana na kiasi cha Tsh 26,750,000 kimekopeshwa kwa Watu Wenye Ulemavu.
Divisheni ya Maendeleo ya Jamii inafanya shughuli mbalimbali za utoaji wa elimu kwa Jamii ambayo ni
Aidha Divisheni inaratibu utekelezaji wa haki , utoaji wa Elimu ya Malezi na Makuzi katika ngazi ya familia na maendeleo ya Watoto kwa ujumla. Jumla ya Mabaraza 56 yameandaliwa ngazi ya Kijiji na Mabaraza ya ngazi ya kata 16 na Baraza moja la Watoto la Halmashauri.
Pichani ni Mtu Mwenye Ulemavu Thomasi Ngatunga kutoka Kata ya Peramiho pamoja na Mkuu wa Divisheni ya Maendeleo ya Jamii Zawadi H. Nyoni ambaye amepewa mkopo na Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Songea kiasi cha Tzs 9,500,000.00 kwa kununuliwa Bajaji kwa ajili ya Usafirishaji.
Pichani ni Wanakikundi wa Kikundi cha Mshikamano kilichopo Kata ya Maposeni kinachojishughulisha na huduma ndogo za kifedha yaani SILC wakijengewa uwezo jinsi ya kuendeleza na kuboresha shughuli zao kwa Maendeleo ya Jamii kiujumla.
Halmashauri ya Wilaya Songea
Anuani ya Posta: 995, Songea
Simu: 2602320 / 2602176
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